![[Combustion Chamber]](pix/hwk31646.jpg)
The combustion chamber housing. In this view, you can see the motor tied down to a large concrete block to stop the aircraft nosing over during restoration, following the loss of the balancing weight of the rear fuselage. It also shows to advantage the end of the tube delivering the electrical services to the chamber housing.
Of the two fuel pipes on the top of the thrust tube, the lower, which enters at the aft of the combustion chamber is the cooling fuel inlet to the combustion chamber jacket. The top pipe is the fuel return.
Also in this view are the slightly inaccurate paint applications which are interesting, even if they are not significant.
Emergency Fuel Dump
![[Fuel Dump Valve]](pix/hwk31647.jpg)
Seen in close up, this is the emergency fuel outlet for the cooling jacket of the motor combustion chamber. If the motor stalls in flight, and fuel pressure falls, causing the the flow of fuel around the cooling jacket to slow and pool, then this fuel can be emptied quickly overboard by the automatic running of the small pump, pictured.
A valve is opened and fuel is wasted overboard from the pipe (in the background in this view) the outlet for which appears beneath the combustion chamber venturi.
The careless overpainting is also evident in this shot.
![[SR Logo]](../WGraphics/sr3.gif)